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Topics - morriswalters

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DF Spoilers / An amusing thought about Proven Guilty
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:44:31 AM »
This occurred to me while I was talking to someone on Reddit. Harry and the others get attacked at the Fool Moon Garage by Scarecrow.  But wait did he, or was Jim reusing something from earlier? Consider the chlorofiend. That's all.

DF Spoilers / New microfiction on the site
« on: December 22, 2020, 04:58:35 PM »

DF Spoilers / Sample Chapters on TOR
« on: September 01, 2020, 05:18:11 PM »

The book is out some places and reddit has a mega thread which is filling with talk, avoid if you want the book free of spoilers.

DF Spoilers / New Drop Chapter Three
« on: June 16, 2020, 07:11:30 PM »

DF Spoilers / New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 09, 2020, 11:22:49 PM »
Nuff said.

DF Spoilers / The Fates and the Norns and scissors
« on: June 02, 2020, 06:06:08 PM »
Ok, this is basically just a couple of questions. Evidently since Harry called Mother Winter by Atropos and Skuld he seems to think she is one of the Fates and one of the Norn.  Atropos had a set of shears that cut the sting of, well we'll call it life.  Are these shears the Black Staff?

And if Mother Winter is one of the Fates, is Mother Summer one of the other ones? And if she is, who is the third Fate.  Is Mab one?

Bonus point.  Evidently one of the Fates went all murderous and got themselves a Titan.  How weird is that?

DF Spoilers / New Wag
« on: May 27, 2020, 02:45:06 AM »
Very tenuously supported.  Two points.  First Eb had met Malcolm, says he was gentle.  And he attended a meeting with Margaret discussing a plan.  Margaret breaks with Raith and bails, two years or so she has Harry and dies.  Eb never says where he saw Malcolm and it's never revealed how Margaret broke away.

Eb met Malcolm at that same meeting.  The meeting was about producing a child as a Starborn.  Malcolm is a scion of an angel.  Eb objects but Margaret says to hell with it since she is under the influence  of Raith and has the baby anyway and falls for Malcolm releasing her from Raith's control.  True love.  Possibly Malcolm was himself controlled by Raith. 

Pregnant and having to scoot, she leaves Thomas but not before connecting Thomas and an unborn Harry so that when she throws her death curse it can be powered by them instead of her life force.  She goes into deep Winter under Lea's protection and loses a year while Harry comes to term.  And leaves Winter via a portal in the Lincoln Monument. She gets the protection for Harry by telling Lea who has the Atheme.  Lea sells out Malcolm to the Whites when Harry is six.  And just to make it a real pot boiler, Lara does the deed and leaves Malcolm smiling. :o

It reads like a cheesy potboiler and I don't know if it is reasonable or not.  But it connects the dots without tearing the fabric too badly.  Feel free to rip it a new one.  48 days to Peace Talks

DF Spoilers / LC and the Outer Gates
« on: March 05, 2020, 01:49:10 PM »
I've been thinking about Mab's display of Marcone's bolt hole when he gets taken in Small Favor.  Also thinking about Harry and Grey Cloak in White Knight where Harry almost gets his head taken off by Cowl. Is it just me, or is Cowl's reaction and Gard's reaction to Mab watching in Small Favor really similar. Cowl of course is more violent.  But they both sense someone watching.  Almost like Mab has access to something like Little Chicago.
I had shrunk to scale with Little Chicago, my awareness now within the spell rather than in my own body, which stood over the table like Godzilla, murmuring the words of the spell.
Insert Mab in that word picture.
Then Gard’s head snapped up, looking directly at where Mab currently stood, as if the little snow sculpture could somehow see the titanic form of the Winter Queen looking down upon her.

DF Spoilers / Time Travel in the Dresden Files
« on: February 28, 2020, 04:09:09 PM »
Time travel to change an event breaks cause and effect and thus creates a paradox.  Bob in PG and Vadderung in Cold days. Bobs specific example is.
Bob sighed. “Okay. Temporal studies 101. Let’s say that he hears about your car being stolen. He comes back to warn you, and as a result, you keep your car.”
“Sounds good so far.”
“But if your car never got stolen,” Bob said, “then how did he know to come back and warn you?”
Vadderung states in Cold Days that time has inertia, and events that have happened have a tendency not to change. And that attempting to change them instead creates a new branch. Vadderung's example is if Harry goes back to kill Eb, either he fails or he succeeds in which case he is never born.
Vadderung says that it is far easier to shape the future than to change the past.

So the rules are these.
1. The past can be changed but only at the risk of the Butterfly Effect.
2. Paradox causes reality to branch at the point of Paradox.

And the future can be modeled statistically in the Dresden Files.  This is established at the end of Small Favor with the Archive.
Any comments? Additions?

Am I the only one who didn't know where Ronald Reuel came from? I feel so stupid.
(click to show/hide)

DF Spoilers / Proven Guilty final iteration.
« on: November 19, 2019, 08:09:30 PM »
How did the Gatekeeper know that Molly had been using Black Magic?
Because he's been watching Chicago for Mab.  How do we know he can do something like that.  Jim tells you by what he does at the end of the trial, just before the team blows in with the newbee's.  He watches the running fight involving Eb and the other Council members.

Why is she watching?
Because Lea had been watching and protecting Harry, and Mab had confined Lea.

How is she watching or the Gatekeeper watching?
He or she are using the magic of the Outer Gates.

How did she know of Little Chicago and the fact that it was broken?
The Mothers told her.  As when Harry learned the name of the Adversary, the act of Harry dying in the first use spawns darker futures.  This may work for Mab.

Why was Pell attacked?
To clear the way for Harry to come to Arctis Tor. And to Bring Harry in.

Why have Harry come to Arctis Tor?
To see Lea and Slate and the after effects of the Black Council attack and to sus out a traitor among Winter. It explains why she didn't declare war on the Red Court after the events of Dead Beat. She has decided that Harry must be the next Winter Knight and recognizes the attack on Molly as a ploy to put Harry at war with the White Council, which would result in his death.  Bringing Molly to Arctis Tor gives her an opportunity to control the encounter.

Why did the Black Council attack?
To force Winter to defend the border. Since with Lea and Slade on ice, Mab is weak, she must remain in the fortress to protect the Wellspring, while her forces guard the border.  This allows the Red's to attack within faerie with impunity during and after the events of Dead Beat.  Mother Summer tells you why she has her troops at the border.  Jim obfuscates the time of attack since Dead Beat was originally to be published after Proven Guilty.

Who attacked Pell?
Mab causes Pell to be attacked, which causes Molly's boyfriend Nelson to get locked up. We can infer this because they target Pell and no one else, and no one is killed. Had Pell died Nelson couldn't have gotten bail and Harry wouldn't have been needed. Since Molly is estranged from her parents, she has no one else to call to get help for Nelson but Harry.  This is all a distraction to keep Harry from using Little Chicago too soon.  It also points him towards Nelson and Molly.

Who did the second attack?
Maybe Maeve.  She uses similar magic against Slate in Summer Knight.  It may have been an attempt to kill Sandra Marling as a cutout.  Marling  may have been the person running from the room.  She also gets Molly away from the con before the third attack. And it may be that she sent the Scarecrow after Glau for a similar reason.

Who did the third attack? 
Maeve.  This was the money attack which had been planned from the start.  This was to call the attention of the White Council to Molly.  It is important to know here that the lights are killed mechanically.  It's dark but there is no myrk.  Maeve had to send them through, since Molly as the beacon, was no longer there.  Harry's spell sent them to Molly.  I speculate that Sandra Marling rigged the lights before she split.

Who is Sandra Marling?
Goodman Grey.  Why.  Because I like him.

DF Spoilers / New short story
« on: October 08, 2019, 11:11:39 AM »
In one word. Meh.

DF Spoilers / Who are the four?
« on: August 11, 2019, 07:24:13 PM »
In SG Kringle tells Harry that there are four mercs who can fill the role that Goodman Grey does.  Two are under contract, one is detained and the other is Grey.  Are there four scions of skinwalkers?

DF Spoilers / Proven Guilty speculation, because, why not?
« on: June 18, 2019, 06:02:29 PM »
Reading through some old threads and discovered a quote.
I reached out to the cold and the gloom, and found it a vaguely familiar kind of spellworking, though I couldn’t remember precisely where I’d encountered it before.
This happens in Chapter 12 of Proven Guilty.  There is a temperature drop and a ward slowing Harry down as well as a murk.

Fast reverse back to Summer Knight. To Harry's meeting with Maeve in undertown.
Maeve drew herself up, her face shining with a sudden terrible beauty. She lifted her right hand, ring finger and thumb both bent, and murmured something in a liquid, alien tongue. Sudden blue light gathered around her fingers, and the temperature in the room dropped by about forty degrees. She spoke again, and flicked her wrist, sending glowing motes of azure flickering toward Slate.
The snowflake brand flared into sudden light, and Slate's advance halted, his body going rigid. The skin around the brand turned blue, then purple, then black, spreading like a stop-motion enhanced film of gangrene. A quiet snarl slipped from Slate's lips, and I could see his body trembling with the effort to continue toward Maeve. He shuddered and took another step forward.
Now tie that in with the murk in Small Favor, in the train station.  Add to that, prior to that event the phages entered Chicago through mirrors.  How did they get into the screening room?

Myself, I'm gonna go with Maeve as Sandra Marling.  And another interesting tidbit  Molly walks away from Harry at the end of Skin Games using a cell phone.  Which made be think of Sandra Marling waving her phone.  Probably wrong but I'm feeling happy today.

Happy Peace Talks

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