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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: Nick's Goal in the Vault
« on: January 02, 2018, 11:58:04 AM »
I'd have to agree, Nicodemus is not the sort of guy to go into a situation with only one plan to win if he had any choice in the matter.

Yup and he'd also know why the artifacts were so hard to get to, he always thinks he is the smartest and his spy is everywhere.  However he underestimated both Mab, who blocked Anduriel at Mac's bar, and Harry, who realized that the relics were weapons and pocketed them for himself for later study.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nick's Goal in the Vault
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:31:24 AM »
If Harry had failed Nic's daughter would not have been sacrificed because the ice test was before the human sacrifice.  Nicodemus would have been upset but Harry Dresden would have been dead (a big plus for Nicodemus), and Mab would have still owed him a favor + interest for her failure to keep her end of the bargain.

   She did keep her end, not her fault that her Knight failed..

DF Spoilers / Re: Nick's Goal in the Vault
« on: December 31, 2017, 10:04:23 PM »
Mab testing Harry is implying she does not believe him capable yet...  I believe she sent him on this mission (setting up Nicodemus to make the attempt) because she believed he would succeed, and get her revenge, not as a test.  It was clear by the end of the book she set up Nicodemus to get revenge.  I don't see Mab attempting revenge lightly.  If she's gonna try, she plans on winning.  So again, not a test.

She would get her revenge in any case, even if Harry failed to get the weapons, simply because her object was to break Nic which she did.'

DF Spoilers / Re: Nick's Goal in the Vault
« on: December 31, 2017, 04:05:19 PM »
I don't think that Mab not telling Harry was a test.  You don't test someone like that over something so serious because it's no longer a test, it's real.  My guess is either she didn't see a reason to tell him, or even him knowing would be worse than not knowing, or part of the deal with Nicodemus meant she could not tell Harry the nature of the artifacts.

You are forgetting what Hades told Harry,  the process of inquiring the artifacts/weapons is a test... As in only the strongest and smartest is good enough to end up with them, this is the safe guard..  There are no cheat sheets,  for the war to come Mab wants her Knight to be the smartest and the brightest and holding the weapons..  Nick thinks he is the smartest and the strongest, so he thinks he is being clever just asking for the Grail, figuring he will then easily get the rest of the artifacts..  Mab is gambling that Harry is the smartest and the strongest, so he will end up with the weapons, and if not, he dies, she looks for another Knight...  Nic loses because if Harry fails he isn't going to get the weapons..  If Nic really was the smartest and the strongest he wouldn't have needed to call in the favor in the first place to use Mab's Knight.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 28, 2017, 06:21:35 PM »
It acts like a self fulfilling prophesy. If the wardens come for you you act like a cornered animal because you are. This pushes them further over the edge.

It is even worse. The widespread believe in how the laws and warlocks work combined with how the dresdenverse works has a power of its own. Those who are out are pushed further out.

   It also deals with a problem that the Senior Council doesn't care to take the time/risk with for the disastrous results that come when they judge wrongly..

DF Spoilers / Re: Nick's Goal in the Vault
« on: December 28, 2017, 06:18:09 PM »
Here's a question .... Why didn't Nick reveal that he wanted more than just the Grail?  He told the group that much, why not say he wanted all of the relics of the Crucifixion?  I know he doesn't want to reveal too much to his enemies, but if he had said he wanted all of them, then Harry would have been obligated give him all of them and not just the Grail.

When he told Harry and crew about what he was wanting, Harry didn't know they were weapons, so it could have been wrapped up in the need to fulfill the obligation to Mab.

Because if he did, the whole mission wouldn't have happened, or that is what he was thinking.   Personally I think it was like a line from "The Lion In Winter..."   Nic knows they were all weapons, Mab knows that they are all weapons, and Nic knows that Mab knows..."  The only one who didn't was Harry, who Mab happened to be testing further in my opinion... Don't be shocked if she is very aware that Harry pocketed the rest of the weapons and that they are just where she wants them...

DF Spoilers / Re: In This, The End of All Things, I Come Out of Lurking
« on: December 23, 2017, 11:26:01 AM »
There is another woj about Molly that seems to suggest she is less of a primary character in the dresden files at least when he was starting out with respect to the grand scheme of things.  I really do agree that Murphy will go the distance till series end.

Depends, if Harry is 200 years old at the time of writing his files, then she is long dead, she may however be the last significant woman in his life..

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 21, 2017, 06:21:47 PM »
They're not "entitled" to a trial -- the vast majority of Warlocks are executed in the field by Wardens.

That doesn't mean they weren't entitled to on, just that for the most part, they don't do them anymore for lack of the manpower...  The response when Harry asked for one for Molly was, " I thought we didn't do that anymore..."   If what you say was true, Morgan would have given Harry the chop long ago because until the end he never stopped believing he was a warlock...

DF Spoilers / Re: Prediction: Bob wrote the Dresden Files
« on: December 21, 2017, 06:02:19 PM »
The journal idea is all but confirmed by Jim from a Q&A session, if I recall; something to the effect of "The books are Harry kind of looking back, years later..." So I think that this is solid.

Bob being the writer is interesting. I'd posit that Bonnie (if you're unfamiliar, that's the name we've been using for Harry's new spirit of intellect from the end of Skin Game) may be a better fit; she actually lived in Harry's head, and would have greater insight into Harry's state of mind during each of the early events, and has the perfect recall necessary to describe events years after the fact. So that's a good thought.

Also, welcome.

   I somehow doubt that Bob is the writer, unless in looking back he can make himself sound different from Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 21, 2017, 02:51:15 PM »
   Their responsibilities include protecting both the Senior Council and other White Council members from attacks, dealing with the Vampire Courts, the Faerie, and warlocks and serving as judge, jury and executioner when in the field against violators of the Seven Laws of magic. Many warlocks are killed resisting arrest, or apprehended after their crimes have earned them a death sentences. Hearings before the Senior Council are rare. Dresden Wiki

No, they are not judge and jury!  The accused are entitled to a trial, even if it has evolved to almost a kangaroo type event where the outcome is predestined because of 1] practicality, not enough wizards willing to risk to the Doom to rehab a young would be warlock, 2] because the Merlin in particular believes the results are mixed at best to disastrous if the rehab fails...   So it may have evolved to a point where young offenders are simply killed for a variety of reasons by the Wardens, but that isn't how it is supposed to be..  So these days the Council does a lot of looking the other way unless someone like Harry insists that a trial is held..   The whole point of the trial for the Korean kid in my opinion was an object lesson for Harry by the Merlin that trials are mostly a waste of time..

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 20, 2017, 07:42:50 PM »

  Okay, so the Wardens are the White Council's cops...  They arrest and enforce the Laws of Magic... However they are not supposed to sit in judgement of would be law breakers, that is the Senior Council's job.  With the wars and modern times both are spread pretty thin...  Also there are good and bad Wardens, if they are took quick on the draw and a young would be warlock loses his or  her head before trial, most in the Council look the other way, makes their job easier because they feel they don't have the time to waste on a kid that no one will put his or her own head on the line for and who is a lost cause anyway..    So from her perspective, Asher was telling the truth, if she has surrendered the odds of her keeping her head were not in her favor...  The chances were also good that she would have lost her head before a trial was arranged in the first place with no questions asked..

DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 11, 2017, 09:22:14 PM »
When Harry tried to bring in Molly for trial the merlins reaction to was something like "why did you not kill her yet" and "you are wasting time". Even with a warden they do not really trust like Harry the overview is minimal.

I am sure a lot of wardens do their jobs as expected but there is a lot of room for abusing power, cutting corners, acting on tunnel vision, ....

And little chance of discovery. In such an organisation you need only a few bad apples to get a reputation among people who do not dare to complain because there is no independent complains department and wardens will cover each other. Because that is what members of closed organisations do if they get the chance.

And if a bad apple is in a position of influence others will copy his behaviour because they think it is normal.

Wardens have power. People behave differently around them which makes them less aware what is going on.

And most importantly pressure to get results can do the rest. The whole structure promotes abuse of power and no real brakes on it. The only brakes are the wardens own consciences. That is not enough.

So I do not think they will all the run out to kill the kids but if one does there is little to stop him and other abuse will even be more likely.

As I said, for various reasons some of them perhaps understandable, the White Council's justice for breakers of the Laws, has become a zero tolerance policy... 

DF Spoilers / Re: The one character that you wish hadn't died
« on: December 11, 2017, 09:18:15 PM »


DF Spoilers / Re: Was Ascher telling the truth?
« on: December 10, 2017, 01:55:36 PM »
I think that the WC is trying to balance out their place between two worlds, the mortal and the supernatural.

I think it more about finding themselves less relevant in a modern world, the time of the village wise woman or man has past.   Kids who show signs of talent no longer have any place to go or any knowledge of what it all means.  All they know is they have these cool talents and like normal kids everywhere they experiment with them and get into trouble.  Meanwhile the WC has been decimated by wars over the last thousand years and have spent their time navel gazing unlike Harry who has attempted to fit into the modern world openly as a practicing wizard.   As a result, zero tolerance has evolved into not just being the safest course for both worlds but the easiest to implement.  But as we all know zero tolerance policies are seriously flawed because there isn't a one size fits all and justice usually isn't served by it... But those those who advocate it will argue, it keeps everyone safe so it doesn't matter that perhaps a few talented babies who might make great wizards someday are thrown out with the bath water.

DF Spoilers / Re: Shagnasty and co. all nemfected?
« on: December 10, 2017, 01:40:17 PM »
Nemesis infection must be relatively rare otherwise that dagger wouldn't be such a big deal.

  I agree with this, but also about it being used strategically,  hence all the effort to infect the guardians of the Gates, the Winter Court and the guardians of the guardians, the Summer Court..   Having said that it is quite plausible that Skin Walkers were infiltrated eons ago, since if I remember correctly in Native American folklore they weren't evil to begin with.  Infesting them does make sense since with their shape shifting abilities they can go undetected just about anywhere. 

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