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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mab chose Molly
« on: October 14, 2021, 02:53:14 PM »
There’s so much to unpack here. But, first and foremost, MAB CHOSE MOLLY TO BE THE WINTER LADY.

Actually she didn't, when it happens in Cold Days after the fact she tells Harry she would have preferred Molly to have been the Summer Lady, or rather said she felt she was more suited for that and that Sarissa would become the Winter Lady.  But Maeve and the Mantles had other ideas.  So Mab chose Molly to be a Lady, but not Winter Lady.
Now, that opens the door that Titania may have chosen Lily to be the first replacement Summer Lady. If the queen gets to choose from available vessels for fae power, Sarissa being chosen as the Summer Lady can only be viewed as revenge for Aurora’s death. After all, Mab did choose the person who caused Aurora’s death as her Winter Knight.
Titania didn't chose Lily, she was the nearest vessel when Aurora died, Lily wasn't at all prepared to be a Lady.  Titania said she would help her, and not saying she didn't, but Titania was in deep mourning for some time over Aurora, all of this led to infested Maeve being able to lie to Lily and convince her of things that brought about her end and more.
So, perhaps in a way, Molly brought herself to Mab’s attention by helping Harry arrange his death? Lea instructing her during her year as the Ragged Lady might have helped prepare her to be a vessel for fae power, but I think she was already on the board. Besides, due to Lea’s obligation, she would have been bound to instruct Molly. Molly made a cold, hard decision, against her emotional human interests, to help Harry suicide. That really does ring of Winter.

Could have, but I think Molly was on the radar before that for her warlock attitudes.. Also back in Grave Peril I think it was Lea expresses interest in Michael's first child.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 14, 2021, 03:11:13 AM »
Perhaps by consuming more Starborn, Drakul gains even more power over Outsiders, or the opposite.  I wonder if Drakul is a Starborn that is the opposite of Dresden, and has power over different Being's that are otherwise resistant to Outsiders or something?

  Or if he eats a star born, he farts stars and poops stones?  :o

DF Spoilers / Re: A reason Dresden was kicked from the White Council
« on: October 14, 2021, 03:08:44 AM »
Nah, they want Harry to join the Black Council.

Look at Harry's allies....

Susan - dead
Murphy - dead
Michael - crippled.
Shiro - dead
Thomas - last seen badly injured, probably dying

... hanging with Harry is like wearing a red shirt on Star Trek - and you are not an engineer.

Yeah, but two current Holy Knights and one retired Holy Knight very much alive.. Marcone has been on and off, now mostly off ally.. Lara of the White Court, Major General Toot and the minions of the Za'Gard, Mac, Gard, Rashid, Rivershoulders, Eb, Listens to Wind... So Harry isn't down to zero exactly yet.

The Merlin is supposed to be the arch politician of the White Council, being outmanoeuvred by Harry must have been galling, like Nicodemus finding himself out doublecrossed by Harry, or when Lea got outsmarted by Harry with the mushroom poisoning, or Lord Raith having his weakness deduced by Harry and turned against him.

You know if they all compare notes Harry is toast.

You left out the Red King whom Harry hoisted upon his own petard and it killed him and all of his race.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 13, 2021, 10:26:18 PM »
According to Jim, the Eye is a god killing weapon.  He said even Uriel could be killed by it eventually (if he just sat there and did nothing).  It would have killed Mab if she took one or maybe two more blasts with it.  She barely survived the first one.  The Mantle would have went to Molly right away I'd think.

Except you leave out that Mab understood how the Eye worked, understanding it, she neutralized any power it may have had to kill her.

on page 394 of Battle Ground, Harry asks her how she withstood it.  First observation he made was the Eye was made of hate and destroyed everything it touched.  Mab explains how she was able to withstand it.

"Everyone," she said, "thinks that hate and love are somehow opposite forces.  They are not.  They are the same force, facing opposite directions."  She glanced aside at me.  "Love is fire, my Knight.  Love turned the wrong way has killed as many as hate.  Reason,young wizard, is the opposite of hate, not love.  Ethniu could not destroy me with a single blast of the Eye.  I was certain of it.  I ran the numbers."

So it may be a god killing machine, perhaps because most gods don't apply reason, maybe because the don't feel they need to.  It makes them vulnerable to the likes of the Eye.  Reason, is what Eve gained at the Tree of Knowledge when she took a bite.

DF Spoilers / Re: A reason Dresden was kicked from the White Council
« on: October 13, 2021, 09:52:29 PM »
The White Council has come to realize the Black Council is real.  They kicked Dresden out knowing that eventually he would be contacted by the Black Council to be recruited.  They want Dresden to accept, and go undercover (they will hold something over him to do it)....

It would be nice if they let him in on the plan.. ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 13, 2021, 05:58:49 PM »
Mab wasn’t sure of the outcome in BG, if an immortal is not killed then they are dissipated until they re-coalesce. This is what happened with Erl and Odin, but they pulled themselves together quickly, another blast? Perhaps not so quickly, but the Eye had to cycle and there were multiple threats to Ethnui, which was the strategy. We have only been told of two ways of killing Mab, there isn’t a third.

However you are talking gods, Mab isn't exactly a god.. True for the mantle, but put Mab in a blender and pour her out, the only chewable bit left is the mantle, the rest ain't coming back together in my opinion.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 13, 2021, 05:54:34 PM »
you are what you eat, especially in the DF.

But then again, what goes in, must come out.. ??? Others say what you eat all turns to s--t! :o

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 13, 2021, 04:00:50 PM »
They're all demons, and probably all connected to the outside. Certainly Thomas's soul gaze would heavily imply that WCVs are.. I think BCVs are just the mirror image born into that person's old body. Nothing's exactly the same but they still have some semblance of who they were.

I need to go back and read the scene as well, but what I remember is the vision of Thomas, the handsome strong young man and the tug of war between his spirit, the Hunger and the mirror image of a bespectacled stoop shouldered ordinary vanilla human that Thomas would be without the Hunger.. Or at least that is how I remember it, need to go back and read.

Never underestimate the power of Harry to piss off authority figures.
He's made an art of it and prides himself on it, I think it might even be one of his star born powers. ::)

The Merlin has wanted rid of Harry for a long time, recognising he is uncontrollable. Harry disappearing for 2 years must have been like his prayers answered.

Yup, ever since Harry bested him in that little political one on one back in Proven Guilty.  Which is another reason why he'd want it over and done without his allies present or more importantly, Harry present..  They couldn't kill him outright though, because the evidence they are using doesn't pass the smell test.  However he isn't above manipulating the likes of Carlos, who is suffering both physically and mentally from his contact with Molly and the loss of his friends. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 12, 2021, 02:58:47 PM »
Blampires aren't people. They are demons who take over the body of a dead person. Wild Bill and Yoshi are dead. They've gone through that single person door to the other side. A Blampire is inhabiting their shell, the ultimate desecration of their memory.

Yes, they are dead, but it isn't a simple matter of a vampire inhabiting the shell zombie-like, just enough of the original personality remains to torment those who knew them when they were an alive human. 

The Fomor Servitors suddenly getting to be human, makes little sense to me.  If the Fomor Servitors are human, how are the White Court Vampires not human as well?

Both are "humans" with something not human grafted onto them.  White Court have little free will in being so, or at least the way that Lord Raith ran things.

They are not, but just enough to for the purpose of convicting Harry..

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 12, 2021, 10:18:57 AM »
Calling someone an "It" is because they are either alien to you, or below you (they aren't a person).  I don't think it's too rich for a Vamp.  I think it's an energy source that Drakul likes to feed on.

Right.  That's what I said, but as a star born, Harry might be a step above and a "he" to feed the master, but too good for your ordinary vamp.

The White Council can be summarized by this quote from Daniel Webster.

Here is another quote about good intentions that we are all familiar with, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."  So the White Council's intentions were and are good, but they are damning themselves in the process.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone catch "It" in Battle Ground?
« on: October 11, 2021, 07:45:15 PM »
True but remember that it was also said "his kind aren't for us", referring to Starborn.  Something has to be different about Dresden.

Maybe starborns aren't "its"?   Harry gets a little more respect because he is one.. Apparently his body essence is too rich for an ordinary Black Court vamp.

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