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Topics - HeWhoSucksAtWalking

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DF Spoilers / Who is the Lord of Slowest Terror?
« on: April 04, 2022, 04:44:28 AM »
Back in BR ,the porno witch hag tried to call up his servant HWWB  . It didn't gotoo well for her but it got me thinking..If this thing has freaking servant that's on par with Uriel then it can't just be some paltry god. Maybe the big umero Numero Big Bad.

Bad ass title by the way..Maybe this is the true head of the outsiders and Elder Things
.Hopefully Jim addresses it soonish .

Okay last newbie thread for a while. Pinkie swear 🤗

I mean he was pretty much paste after that . I understand that he has one of the strongest fallen at his back but Jesus.

And another couple notes --- Will he think he will hold a grudge against Nic for leaving him there ? And I thought that only humans can get the coins ? I figure BOHS is a distant relative of humans but it still threw me for aloop. Can't wait for Book 20 to get more Denarion action and answer some of these questions.

Simple enough question..The WC seems to fear Harry like he's Darth Vader. My question is if the whole Starborn system was infact  put in place by the Old Ones or Outsiders to lead their armies since only Mortal Magic can summon them here ( also given they seem to be able exert some control over the Outsiders . Then at some point the whole system was hijacked at some point by the accorded nations.. Thoughts?

DF Spoilers / Black Court Missing Elders (Newbie first post)
« on: December 04, 2021, 07:35:48 AM »
Okay I just found  Butcher last September And bought Fool Moon,Storm Front and Grave Peril. I've heard about them for years but never gave his series a fair shot . Then Death Masks hit and I was enthralled. Though I really really like the first 3 aswell. This intro had went on for far too long.

Okay down to business. In Battle Ground there were 7 BC elders. But only were 5 left including hentai guy ,twins ,mavra ,and Drakul. So after Wild Bill just shot one did they just dip out? It's been driving me crazy. Thank for you for anything you can shed upon this. Cheers

Don't forget to to put the actual topic in the subject heading, and welcome to the boards  :) - Mod team.

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