McAnally's (The Community Pub) > Author Craft

Author In Progress

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Longtime reader of JB but new to the forums, which seem to be less active than they used to be.

Writing a spinoff story based in the Dresdenverse about an Army lawyer than gets drawn into the politics of the supernatural world by being in the right place at the right time with the right insight. 

Circa Cold Days Maj. Javier Bishop saves the new Winter Lady from having her soul claimed by a demon.  This service keeps the power of the Mantle within the Winter Court, likely saving all Creation from the Outsiders in the process.  Brought before the Mothers so that they might repay the debt they owe him, he ends up as a power broker between supernatural entities.

Equal parts Wizard's Bane by Rick Cook and Grunts by Mary Gentle, with a generous helping of Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia.

The Deposed King:
Glad to have you!  It sounds like you've got a fun book idea, keep after it!

As for the site I think its three things that really killed it.  One you can't post chapters or exerpts your own work on this site.  Two they nuked touchy topics and after they did that I found less reasons to come and hang out.  Finally where have Jim Butcher been?  Its been what 3 years plus since we had a Harry Novel in the Dresdenverse?

He's taken too many fliers and this site has too many restrictions.  If we could share our work back and forth for peer help I'm sure we'd have had a lot more action!

The Deposed King

King Shisa:
Finally got my first book up on Amazon: "Swim Like Hell: A Visit to Superstition Bay". It was a long journey, with lots of false starts, but the step has finally been taken and I couldn't be more relieved. Now let's see where it goes. The second Superstition Bay manuscript should be up in a week or so.

Am I allowed to post links here, or is that a no-no?

The Deposed King:
Way to go!  If you want to post a link do what I do and make a thread post of your own.  Super cool!

The Deposed King


My name is April Elizabeth, I'm not sure if I've earned the title of author since I've started several pieces but haven't finished them. They only thing I think I've truly accomplished are the many notebooks I've filled in an attempt of building a new world within the confines of the present one we lived in a very long time ago. I'm also an artist and while I've thought of creating a graphic novel, since my writing is sub-par, I decided against it because I've always loved novels. So, if I ever do manage to write something to completion I want to turn it into an illustrative novel. Kind of like how the old Winnie the Pooh books were published/written, just a bit (a lot) more grown up with lots of magic, fighting, other fun stuff, and a lot more writing.

I hope this was okay to post here, I tried looking for an introductory forum, but I couldn't find it and this felt very relevant to my passions.


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