Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books



Do we have any info on how it is going to be released? Ebook? Print? Some anthology somewhere? It's a novella, so kinda short to be hard copy, but Jim's done it before... I'm guessing anthology?

It could be an e-book or audio book like he did with The Law

I'm very curious about where this will be published, too!

I enjoyed the audio book! I love the Cinder Spires series. Aeronaut's Windlass is a really fun book. I've said this before, but I think I like it more than most of the Dresden Books. I could just be saying that because Dresden is old hat (haha), but in any event, I really do enjoy this Cinder Spires series.

I like Aeronaut Windlass more than SOME DF books. I am particularly fond of Gwen but I like pretty much all the characters. Grimm is quite Harry-like, but I can't help but like him. And Cavendish is an stupendous villain.


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