Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books


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I am revisiting Aeronaut’s Windlass again, via audible.
Now I am generally a believer in a generic constructs when imagining a novel character but on my maybe fifth listen (2 reads, 5 listens) I have all of a sudden conflated Ferus with Jim Broadbent, most probably influenced by his Slughorn portrayal combined with Eaun Morton’s performance.

I normally like to think of Dresden and Grimm as dark, defined and distinguished but not a replica of a known actor, but now in my brain Ferus is Jim Broadbent.

Anyone else got any casting suggestions?

I can see that he's got the bumbling but kind hearted thing going for him.

I don't have clear casting for the other, but I could imagine Hugh Jackman or Orlando Bloom being Grimm.

Second Aristh:
What about somebody like Conleth Hill (Varys from GoT) for Ferus? 

Too suave, cool and charming.

Tony Shalhoub from Monk?


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