Other Jimness > Codex Alera Books

Book 6 question


Question about book 6 of the Alera Codex (First Lord's Fury) that is bugging me.  Anyone understand how Tavi's fleet moves from Antillus to Phrygia on the other side of the continent?  Given the pace set in crossing the first sea with the giant barges, this should have taken years, but no such amount of time appears to pass.  I think this is just a weird plot hole that there is no making sense of, but if anybody wants to take a shot, I would be glad to hear it. (Yes, it is really bothering me- it's a 'suspension of disbelief' breaking plot hole.)

Isn't that the part where they turn the ships into ice sleds and shoot across the Wall? I don't think they bring the ice barges then- pretty sure those were for all the extra Canim they brought back to Alera. But it's been a while since my last Alera reread.


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