The Dresden Files > DF Books

Blood Rites


In Blood Rites Dresden asks Murphy a favour at his apartment before they go to House of Raith. I did not understand what he asked of her. She agreed but it was unclear what the gravity of the request was or the request itself. Anyone have an idea? Page 291, Chap 24. Thanks!

I believe it has to do with the following passage.
(click to show/hide)The real battle was inside of her—her strength of will against
her own well-founded fears. Even if I did ride in on a white horse
to save her, it would mean only that she would be forced to
question her own strength and integrity thereafter, and that
would be nothing more than a slow death of her self-reliance
and strength of will.
It was something I could not save her from.
And I had asked her to face it.
And I believe it means...
(click to show/hide)Harry had already guessed that Raith was neutered.  But he also knew that Raith still had power to some extent.  And he asked Murphy to jeopardize her freedom by facing Raith, who could manipulate Murphy.

Remember that Murphy doesn't like that, after her experience with the Nightmare.  It took her years to recover from that violation. 

And Harry asked her to go toe-to-toe with someone much worse.


--- Quote from: Griffyn612 on July 09, 2017, 08:45:22 PM ---I believe it has to do with the following passage.
(click to show/hide)The real battle was inside of her—her strength of will against
her own well-founded fears. Even if I did ride in on a white horse
to save her, it would mean only that she would be forced to
question her own strength and integrity thereafter, and that
would be nothing more than a slow death of her self-reliance
and strength of will.
It was something I could not save her from.
And I had asked her to face it.
And I believe it means...
(click to show/hide)Harry had already guessed that Raith was neutered.  But he also knew that Raith still had power to some extent.  And he asked Murphy to jeopardize her freedom by facing Raith, who could manipulate Murphy.

Remember that Murphy doesn't like that, after her experience with the Nightmare.  It took her years to recover from that violation. 

And Harry asked her to go toe-to-toe with someone much worse.

--- End quote ---
Concur, I think he confirmed it later on in the Deeps.

(click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---The damnedest thing was that there wasn't much I could do about it. Not because I was chained up, held at gunpoint, and probably going to die-though I had to admit, that might make things somewhat difficult-but because this wasn't a fight that someone else could win for Murphy. The real battle was inside of her-her strength of will against her own well-founded fears. Even if I did ride in on a white horse to save her, it would mean only that she would be forced to question her own strength and integrity thereafter, and that would be nothing more than a slow death of her self-reliance and strength of will.

It was something I could not save her from.

And I had asked her to face it.
--- End quote ---

Thank you for answering my question and confirming that link to the passage at the Deeps and the Nightmare. Greatly appreciated.

Not a problem.

Also, I for got to say:  Welcome to the Forums!  8)


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