The Dresden Files > DF Card Game

Rules Question: Range


Got my copy yesterday, WOO!
Will get to give it a test run tomorrow :D

One question though: For cards that have a variable range, what happens if you use the card, roll horridly, and there are no valid cards in range?
Eg there are enemies at range 2, 3 & 4 and you use a card with range 3(2) and roll two negatives, dropping your range to 1.

I would assume that you spend the fate but your attack does nothing but figured I'd put forward the question :)


--- Quote from: LeviathanZero on February 16, 2017, 10:13:46 PM ---Got my copy yesterday, WOO!
Will get to give it a test run tomorrow :D

One question though: For cards that have a variable range, what happens if you use the card, roll horridly, and there are no valid cards in range?
Eg there are enemies at range 2, 3 & 4 and you use a card with range 3(2) and roll two negatives, dropping your range to 1.

I would assume that you spend the fate but your attack does nothing but figured I'd put forward the question :)

--- End quote ---
That would be my assumption as well; you simply whiff the attack and it falls short of all available targets.  As a nerd that has occasionally been forced to play basketball, I can sympathize to that character :P

That's a correct assumption, LeviathanZero. :)


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