Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB011 - Alera Love

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(26min 21sec) Fred and Priscilla talk news, and the listeners phone in their Alera Love.

Call in and leave the show voicemail at 301-6377-HAT!

The Music
- 2006 Pl@stic Soul
- .22

News Items with Priscellie

- September 4th, Release of Many Bloody Returns, "It's My Birthday  Too."  Book signings all across the country.  Jim was in Kansas City at B&N.  Early September book signings for Many Bloody Returns
-  Cover art for Supernatural Honeymoon!  Edited by P.N. Elrod, out December 26th. My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon Cover Art
- Subterranean Press
- Real Life Comics Dresden Files Sighting
- Codex Alera on Unshelved
- The Drumstick Campaign
- Jericho
- dresdencity.org
- maenad.tripod.com
- dresdenfiles.org
- New Home 4 Dresden Petition
- PhauxCon in Philly, October 5-7
- Shannon Butcher
- The Dresden Files RPG Playtest Application

Alera Love
- Read about the Codex Alera
- We hear from Fred, Priscilla, Jackie in Austin, Meg, Charles from Texas, Gloria, and "The Man in the Shadows"... spooky.

Quick Addendums
- Strange Brew on P.N. Elrod's Livejournal
- Captain's Fury cover art preview

Augh, I'm all echo-y!  But I'm using the same mic + Skype as before!  I'm using a different computer (my new Mac, yay!), but I don't feel like that should have had such an effect... ah well.  It still sounds great.  And we are total geeks.


Just caught the full episode--I had to stop a couple minutes in so I could get to a TERRY PRATCHETT BOOK SIGNING--and wow, what fun!  I loved hearing from all the Alera fans that called in, and I hope more fans will continue to contribute to future podcasts. 

And good lord, Fred, we are such dorks. Giggly, giggly dorks.  XD


--- Quote from: Priscellie on October 02, 2007, 04:22:32 AM ---And good lord, Fred, we are such dorks. Giggly, giggly dorks.  XD

--- End quote ---

I know!  But I hope the blooper reel highlighted how we have fun being that. :)

During the podcast you were mentioning that hardly anyone called in do to long distance charges, could an alternative be to pre-record a question comment restricted at 30sec, transcode it into an mp3 file and than e-mailing it to you for the podcast.  Or has that idea been thought of already and rejected as potentially inbox destroying?


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