Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books

Steam punk? What happened to Sci Fi?


So I'm pretty confused at the moment and I'm hoping I can get some clarification here. The last I heard of Cinder Spires (about 2-3 years ago) it was going to be a science fiction series about a group of people who were trying to keep aliens under wraps because the alien government declared illegal for extra terrestrials to visit earth, and thus all the aliens who DID visit earth were typically criminals intent on causing problems.

Fast forward to now, and suddenly I'm hearing talk of steam punk and airships. While I'm by no means complaining (I love me some steam punk) I do have to wonder what happened to the Sci fi series that was talked about.

I remember hearing that there's two different series he wanted to start.  One was sci-fi, and the other steam punk.  I think (but I'm not certain) the sci-fi pitch wasn't polished, but people reacted well to the steam punk idea.  So he went with that one.

I don't think "Cinder Spires" was ever the sci-fi name; i think it was always the steam punk project.  And I'm sure, since what I've heard about CS is that its a trilogy, that in a few more years, he'll be free to work on the sci-fi project.

That makes sense, I got the name and the premise switched around. I can't help but be a little disappointed as I was really looking forward to Jim's take on Sci-Fi, but Steampunk still sounds fun.  :)


--- Quote from: JayTee on July 12, 2014, 05:23:36 PM ---So I'm pretty confused at the moment and I'm hoping I can get some clarification here. The last I heard of Cinder Spires (about 2-3 years ago) it was going to be a science fiction series about a group of people who were trying to keep aliens under wraps because the alien government declared illegal for extra terrestrials to visit earth, and thus all the aliens who DID visit earth were typically criminals intent on causing problems.

Fast forward to now, and suddenly I'm hearing talk of steam punk and airships. While I'm by no means complaining (I love me some steam punk) I do have to wonder what happened to the Sci fi series that was talked about.

--- End quote ---

As I recall, that one was called something like U.S. Marshalls.  I guess it didn't pan out?


--- Quote from: Griffyn612 on July 12, 2014, 05:50:36 PM ---I remember hearing that there's two different series he wanted to start.  One was sci-fi, and the other steam punk.  I think (but I'm not certain) the sci-fi pitch wasn't polished, but people reacted well to the steam punk idea.  So he went with that one.

I don't think "Cinder Spires" was ever the sci-fi name; i think it was always the steam punk project.  And I'm sure, since what I've heard about CS is that its a trilogy, that in a few more years, he'll be free to work on the sci-fi project.

--- End quote ---

I think he has sold a trillogy but has plans for it to run 3 or 6 books depending on how it sells and how the publishing house feels about it.  Which how he set things up for Codex Alara too.


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