High Concept: The Leanansidhe
Other Aspects: Most Vicious Creature of Winter; Harry Dresden’s Faerie Godmother; Power is My Drug of Choice; Loves to Win; Reforged by Mab
Epic: Discipline, Lore
Fantastic: Conviction, Performance
Superb: Contacts, Rapport
Great: Deceit, Intimidation, Presence
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Weapons
Other skills default to Fair (except Driving and Guns).
Quick Words (Rapport): Use Rapport for the purpose of social initiative
Evocation [-3]
Greater Glamours [-4]
Incite Emotion (Inspiration) [-1]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Mastery of Transformation [-1]: use transformation/disruption as evothaum
Refinement [-23]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch [+3]: cold iron
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Unseelie Magic [-2]
Evocation – Elements (Air, Fire, Spirit, Water); Control: Unseelie Magic +5, Water +3, Spirit +1; Power: Unseelie Magic +6, Water +4, Spirit +2, Fire +1. (11 Refinements)
Thaumaturgy – Complexity: Transformation/Disruption +5, Psychomancy +4, Conjuration +2, Transportation/Worldwalking +1, Divination +2. Control: Transformation/Disruption +6, Psychomancy +3, Conjuration +1, Divination +1. (12 Refinements)
Focus Items
Wand: +2 Offensive Control and Power with Unseelie Magic
Mental oooo +1 mild consequence
Physical ooo(oooo) Armor:2
Social oooo
Total Refresh Cost
This is actually, potentially, a low-end version of her. She has some significant weaknesses (non-magical physical defense, Empathy), quite intentionally given how she acted in Grave Peril etc. As for her spellcasting: she probably drew on sponsor debt for a few spells in Changes (especially splattering the Lords of Outer Night, possibly the hound transformation). Even so, she's at least a match for anybody on the Senior Council.
EDIT: bolding, stress track for Supernatural Toughness