Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books

SteamPunk Inspiration

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Saw this online and thought the picture might give you inspiration for your books
First time I saw steampunk furniture but I am sure there is more out there.


--- Quote from: zaliis on March 23, 2013, 03:38:20 PM ---Saw this online and thought the picture might give you inspiration for your books
First time I saw steampunk furniture but I am sure there is more out there.

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Personally, I've always wanted to have an excuse to get one of these laptops. Heck, could put together some forum kickstarter to have an official Cinder Spire machine for Jim to write these on. Not exactly practical, and outdated by now, but fun anyway.


Still Awesome!

I wonder if you could get a more generic shell, something that would fit a modern laptop?

I suppose I might as well keep going as far as Steampunk related things. Happened to run across an excellent web/print comic called Girl Genius that's in the same genre (though the authors call it "Gaslamp Fantasy"). Spent the last week reading it, and I still have a ways to go. If you haven't heard of it, check it out - it's won 3 Hugos. Plot is aptly summed up as 'Mad Scientists rule the world. Badly'. Something to keep our minds occupied waiting for publication.

The first page:


--- Quote from: logistics on August 05, 2013, 06:28:18 PM ---I suppose I might as well keep going as far as Steampunk related things. Happened to run across an excellent web/print comic called Girl Genius that's in the same genre (though the authors call it "Gaslamp Fantasy"). Spent the last week reading it, and I still have a ways to go. If you haven't heard of it, check it out - it's won 3 Hugos. Plot is aptly summed up as 'Mad Scientists rule the world. Badly'. Something to keep our minds occupied waiting for publication.

The first page:

--- End quote ---

It's a brilliant comic. Sadly the update-tiimes seem to be drifitng a bit.



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