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BB008 - The Shape of Things to Come

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(31min 45sec) Fred plugs in for a quick episode in a new format.  He checks in with Butcher Block News Correspondant Priscellie for an update on everything that's happened since the last episode, and goes over to the grill with Chad Underkoffler to cook up some "butcher burgers", looking into discrepancies in the continuity of the novels.

The Music:
* The PodSafe Music Network
* 2006 Pl@stic Soul
* .22
News with Priscellie:
* Bestseller News
* Continuing Bestseller Success
* Storm Front will be coming in hardcover
* New cover art for Small Favor from Christian McGrath
* TV Show Renewal Watch - Forum Thread
* Season Two Renewal Campaign - Bonnie's
* Season Two Renewal Campaign - DresdenFiles.Org
* Dresden Files Short Story Anthologies
* Future of the Dresden Files Books
* Small Favor - April 2008
* Sturgeon's Law
Breaking News
* Season 1 will be on DVD
* Ryan Macklin's Master Plan
Butcher Burgers with Chad Underkoffler (Spoiler Warning!)
* The Dresden Files RPG
* Evil Hat Productions
* Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Mickey Finn:
Wait...Chad has a last name?

PS: Chad or Priscellie, you're not going to A-kon  in Dallas for some reason, are you?

Another great podcast! Like the new format, and I like the new Chopping Board icon. Keep up the good work.

Great episode, Fred!  The new format really works.

But Chad, where is it that Murphy suggests she's only been married once?  In every reference I can think of, she's always had the two exes.  In Storm Front:
--- Quote ---"Sometimes, Murph," I panted, "you make things just a little harder than they need to be. Anyone ever tell you that?" I bent down to her, and slipped my cuffed wrist beneath her arm and around her back, drawing her own arm back with me, my right arm and her left bound by the handcuff.
"My ex-husbands," she moaned.
--- End quote ---

Then in Summer Knight:
--- Quote ---...In other pictures she was shoving cake into his mouth, drinking through linked arms, the usual wedding fare. He had carried her to the getaway car, and the photo-Murphy's face had been caught in a moment of laughter and joy.
"First husband?" I asked.
--- End quote ---

Then in Blood Rites:
--- Quote ---Murphy finished the candy bar. "My baby sister is engaged. She's going to be showing up this weekend with her fiancé, and I am going to be there without a fiancé or a husband. Or even a boyfriend. My mother will never let me hear the end of it."
"Well, uh, you had a husband, right? Two of them, even."
She glared. "The Murphys are Irish Catholic," she said. "My not one but two, count them, two divorces won't exactly wash clean the stigma."
--- End quote ---

I guess you might be thinking of the time we actually deal with Rick in Proven Guilty, as she uses the singular, but it doesn't really contradict the notion of Murphy having two exes:

--- Quote ---I blinked at her for a second, and then remembered. “Oh, right. The ex.”
“Ex-husband,” Murphy said, her tone sour. Her back was rigidly straight, and her eyes flickered with stormy emotions. “Current brother-in-law.”
“Which is icky,” I said.
“And I don’t like him being here,” Murphy said. “But it isn’t my call. And it’s possible that I have issues.”
--- End quote ---

And Mickey, I'm going to be road tripping during A-Kon, alas!  Then a week after I return, I'll be heading up to New York!  I AM UNEMPLOYED NO MORE!  Hired within three days of graduation.  I win!


--- Quote from: Priscellie on May 17, 2007, 05:27:02 PM ---Then a week after I return, I'll be heading up to New York!  I AM UNEMPLOYED NO MORE!  Hired within three days of graduation.  I win!

--- End quote ---



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