Now I'm in a query. As in 'doubt in my mind'. One agent suggested that I check with two other agents in her agency that she named. I didn't pursue, because when I read their client list etc I didn't think we were a match--not that they aren't terrific agents. At the time, I thought she was just being kind and gracious. I also assumed that if she were truly interested, that she would have sent it over to them. Did I error?
Perhaps I just added two more names to my list to contact? Also, I would be introducing my query with a XXXXX suggested that I forward my work to you for consideration.
Yeah, in retrospect, I'd say I screwed up.
This query process is simply no fun. I'm in sales and getting rejections is no skin off my back, but the activity yanks me out of the creative side of my brain. Frankly, anything that pulls me away from that, given the odds of finding an agent, doesn't seem logical. Ultimately, I write for myself and my satisfaction comes from seeing my tool box skills and my quality improve. Still, that is actually asinine... I know... "Get thee to the query nunnery, Meg!"