Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB007 - A Storm's A-Comin', Pa!

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(43min 04sec) Fred (or is that Iago?) talks about visiting with Jim at StellarCon, dishes on the future of the Dresden Files and Codex Alera series, and with White Night about to hit stores, talks about Dresden #10.  Plus, information about Jim's signing tour and bookstore appearances, a deeper look at the foundations of the Dresden Files RPG, and a chat with one of our forum regulars about the last four episodes of the TV show.

The Music:
* The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com
* 2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q
* .22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5v
Catching Up at StellarCon:
* Stellarcon: http://www.stellarcon.org/home
* Audio "bloopers" from Summer Knight: http://www.jamesmarsters.com/james/summerknight.html
* Summer Knight Audio CD version: http://tinyurl.com/2llc2m
* Summer Knight MP3 version here: http://tinyurl.com/39sl6d
Jim's April Signing Tour:
* Signing Tour: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000174.php
* Feedback page with Jim's publicist's info: http://www.jim-butcher.com/feedback/
White Night
* Buy it at Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/egcch
* Or do the Virtual Signing with Dog Eared Half-Price Books: http://www.dogearedhalf-pricebooks.com/virtualsigning.htm
Codex Alera
* The series: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/
* Cursor's Fury: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/alera/3/
The Dresden Files RPG
* Website: http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/
* Based on Spirit of the Century: http://www.evilhat.com/?spirit
Dresden Files TV Downloads
* Available on iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/
Fred's Quick Plugs
* Beast Hunters: http://www.berengad.com/
* Sneak peaks and other tidbits on Fred's LJ: http://drivingblind.livejournal.com/tag/beast+hunters
Priscilla's Quick Plugs
* PhauxCon: http://www.phauxcon.com/ (Jim will be at PhauxCon 5 this fall)
* Comic News Insider: http://www.comicnewsinsider.com/
* CNI Forums: http://www.cgspodcast.com/forum2/ (descend, minions!)
* The Timeline: http://www.jim-butcher.com/bb/index.php/topic,1592.msg28573.html
Ryan Macklin's Master Plan: http://masterplan.libsyn.com/

Man, that was quick!  *skips off to download*

Correction:  "with the Storm Front audio book coming out just a few days ago" --> "Summer Knight" :D

I really enjoyed that episode!

- I agree with priscille, we need more Alera in the podcasts! 
- Sounds quality was really great.  It sounds like you are getting more comfortable with each podcast!
- I appreciate the news items at the beginning.
- I'd like to put in a vote for Mickey Finn to be the next guest from the forum on the show.  He has done a great job on the forum, and has introduced me to a couple of new series.

(make sure that you listen to the last 30 seconds of the podcast for some blooper goodness)


--- Quote from: ToddM326 on March 28, 2007, 12:31:22 PM ---- I agree with priscille, we need more Alera in the podcasts! 

--- End quote ---

So do I.  I think once the TV show's first season is done, there'll be enough of a reduction in New Dresden Stuff, so I'm betting we'll start getting some Alera-ness by episode 9 or 10 of the podcast at the latest.

--- Quote ---- Sounds quality was really great.  It sounds like you are getting more comfortable with each podcast!
--- End quote ---

Two things played into this. 

One, I got a new microphone that does noise cancellation in the hardware, so I didn't have to process out the background white noise this time around.

Two, this was a direct skype-to-skype conversation instead of skype-to-phone, which always seems to be a little lower quality. 

It also helped that Priscellie's got a good voice for podcasting. :)

--- Quote ---- I appreciate the news items at the beginning.
--- End quote ---

Good, I'm trying to make sure that the podcast has a "loose" structure of news-then-opinions.

--- Quote ---- I'd like to put in a vote for Mickey Finn to be the next guest from the forum on the show.  He has done a great job on the forum, and has introduced me to a couple of new series.
--- End quote ---

Yep, Mickey's very high on the list.  Priscellie was at the top because she's the one who keeps feeding me the audio captures from the TV show.

--- Quote ---(make sure that you listen to the last 30 seconds of the podcast for some blooper goodness)
--- End quote ---

I don't put in a blooper reel very often (this is the second one ever), but the ones this time I thought had some genuine comedic value. :)

Got it downloaded but I only got to listen to the first few minutes before I had to leave for work (knew I should have dl'd onto the ipod for work listening...hindsight, oh well).  I have to agree with the sound quality being improved, good hardware is always a worthy investment.  I will look forward to finally putting a voice with a name for Priscellie later today.


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