Author Topic: Generic NPCs  (Read 160467 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #270 on: February 24, 2011, 02:59:13 AM »
I'm open to requests again. If nobody has any, I'll just follow Tbora's monsters A-Z suggestion.


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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #271 on: February 24, 2011, 03:37:11 PM »
You said you wanted to go and make a bunch of angelic types/true believers earlier.

You now have time for that.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #272 on: February 24, 2011, 11:13:53 PM »
I had totally forgotten.

Thanks, Tbora, that's really helpful. Going back over things I said earlier, I also wanted to make some more spies.

So yeah, that's my new project. Angels and spooks.

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #273 on: February 25, 2011, 01:09:56 AM »
How would you picture a half-angel? Or even a half-fallen angel... those denarians do enjoy the "high life", and I'm assuming someone born from that wouldn't be very nice...

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #274 on: February 25, 2011, 01:24:03 AM »
Reply #192 (it's on page #13) has Nephilim, aka half-angels. They could very easily be modified to be half-fallen.

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #275 on: February 25, 2011, 01:46:36 AM »
Cherub (Feet In The Water)

High Concept: Angelic Messenger
Other Aspects: My Boss Moves In Mysterious Ways, Like A Winged Infant, Heavenly Artist, Not A Cherubim
Great: Conviction
Good: Performance, Athletics
Fair: Alertness, Discipline, Lore, Bows
Average: Presence, Rapport, Empathy, Endurance
Inspiration From Heaven (Performance): +2 to Performance when using it for the glory of God.
Human Guise [-0]
Wings [-1]
Swift Transition (No Mortal Home) [-1]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Unholy Stuff) [+1]
Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) [-5]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Bless This House [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
Holy Touch [-1]
Sponsored Faith [-1] (May take sponsor debt instead of paying fate points for True Faith powers)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #276 on: March 02, 2011, 01:47:22 AM »
And now for the second in my spy series. She's a social butterfly by preference, but a master assassin when need be. She's the Femme Fatale.

Femme Fatale (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Femme Fatale
Other Aspects: Dead Shot, On Her Own, Master Manipulator
Superb: Deceit, Guns
Great: Empathy, Rapport
Good: Burglary, Alertness
Fair: Stealth, Athletics
Average: Endurance, Presence
Make-Up Artist (Deceit): +2 to create disguises.
Impersonator (Deceit): +2 to Deceit when impersonating someone, may perform full impersonations given time to prepare.
Sex Appeal (Rapport): +2 to Rapport when dealing with someone who could be attracted to you.
Assassinate (Stealth): +2 to Stealth for ambushes.
Backstab (Guns): Spend a fate point to inflict +4 stress with a Guns attack once per scene.
The Appearance Of Wealth (Deceit): Use Deceit for Money Talks trapping of Resources.
Total Refresh Cost:
-4 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #277 on: March 06, 2011, 05:49:29 AM »
Spymaster (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Spymaster
Other Aspects: Center Of The Web, Juggling Problems, Official Sanction
Superb: Deceit, Contacts
Great: Resources, Scholarship
Good: Presence, Empathy
Fair: Rapport, Discipline
Average: Conviction, Burglary
The Boss (Contacts): May use Contacts to hire people.
Minions (Contacts): May use Contacts to declare presence of other spies.
Spymaster (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when dealing with spies.
I've Got Files (Resources): Library has quality equal to Resources concerning secret government stuff.
Classified Information (Scholarship): May use Scholarship to reflect knowledge of secrets and conspiracies.
Master Manipulator (Deceit): Use Deceit for social attacks designed to make people follow pre-arranged plans.
Shield Of Lies (Deceit): Use Deceit for social defence.
Total Refresh Cost:
-5 (Pure Mortal)
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #278 on: March 16, 2011, 03:52:10 AM »
Police Interrogator #1 (On The Beach)

High Concept: Bad Cop
Other Aspects: Not As Nasty As He Seems, Professional Interrogator
Good: Intimidation, Investigation
Fair: Contacts, Deceit
Average: Presence, Athletics, Alertness, Guns, Fists
Bad Cop (Intimidation): +2 to Intimidation when working with someone who has the "Good Cop" stunt.
Reading Suspects (Investigation): May use Investigation instead of Empathy when dealing with suspected criminals.
Police Ties (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when dealing with other cops.
Imposing Attitude (Intimidation): May use Intimidation for social defence.
Total Refresh Cost:
-2 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Police Interrogator #2 (On The Beach)

High Concept: Good Cop
Other Aspects: Not As Nice As He Seems, Professional Interrogator
Good: Rapport, Investigation
Fair: Contacts, Deceit
Average: Presence, Athletics, Alertness, Guns, Fists
Good Cop (Rapport): +2 to Rapport when working with someone who has the "Bad Cop" stunt.
Reading Suspects (Investigation): May use Investigation instead of Empathy when dealing with suspected criminals.
Police Ties (Contacts): +2 to Contacts when dealing with other cops.
Sauve (Rapport): May use Rapport for the Brush off trapping of Intimidation.
Total Refresh Cost:
-2 (Pure Mortal)
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #279 on: March 17, 2011, 04:42:21 AM »
And here's the Seraphim, the highest of angels, made specifically to match the Demon Lord. You'll note that despite his vast power, he has a number of weak points.

The Divine Sanction catch means that the Seraphim is only invincible while acting on God's orders. The Incite Emotion power is weapon 4, has a range of three zones, and can be used against an entire zone if the Seraphim takes a -2 penalty to hit.

That's it for angels, unless someone has a request.

Seraphim (Deep One)

High Concept: Greatest Among The Angels
Other Aspects: My Boss Moves In Mysterious Ways, Sing For The Glory Of God, Bring The Rapture, Deus Ex Machina
Epic: Conviction
Fantastic: Discipline, Lore
Superb: Athletics, Weapons, Presence
Great: Rapport, Intimidation, Empathy
Good: Alertness, Endurance, Fists
Fair: Bows, Might, Investigation
Average: Craftsmanship, Survival, Scholarship, Performance
Closer To God (Conviction): +2 to Conviction when using it with Guide My Hand.
Rapture (Conviction): Use Conviction instead of Deceit for Incite Emotion.
Sing For The Glory Of God (Conviction): Use Conviction instead of Performance when singing about God.
Holy, Holy, Holy (Conviction): +2 to Conviction when using it instead of Performance.
Human Guise [-0]
The Sight [-1]
Gaze Of God [-0] (Reflavoured Soulgaze)
Marked By Power (God) [-1]
Incite Potent Lasting Emotion At Long Range In Bursts (Holy Joy) [-6]
Wings [-1]
Mythic Speed [-6]
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch (Divine Sanction) [+3]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) [-3]
Refinement [-6]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Bless This House [-1]
Righteousness [-2]
Holy Touch [-1]
Sponsored Faith [-1] (May take sponsor debt instead of paying fate points for True Faith powers)
All Creatures Are Equal Before God [-3]
Evocation (Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Spirit): +1 fire control, +2 spirit power, +3 spirit control
Thaumaturgy: +1 miracle control, +2 miracle complexity
Foci: Sword (+1 offensive and defensive Soulfire power and control), Holy Symbol (+2 Miracle complexity)
Enchanted Items: 2 potion slots (strength 6)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #280 on: March 17, 2011, 12:52:51 PM »
Ooh, ooh, for your thousandth post, do a guardian angel!
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #281 on: March 17, 2011, 09:25:53 PM »
Here you go. How's it look?

And now I'm a Posty McPosterpants. I don't feel any different.

Guardian Angel (Hydrophobe)

High Concept: Guardian Angel
Other Aspects: Not A Full Angel, Partially Intangible, Protector Of Children
Good: Conviction
Fair: Alertness
Average: Empathy, Rapport, Lore, Discipline, Investigation
Divine Protector (Conviction): May use Conviction to create blocks against physical harm.
Improved Divine Protection (Conviction): +2 to Conviction when using it to create blocks.
Threshold Guardian (Conviction): +3 to Conviction when using it with Bless This House.
Spirit Form [-3]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch (Unholy Stuff) [+3]
Wings [-1]
Guide My Hand [-1]
Bless This House [-1]
Sponsored Faith [-1] (May take sponsor debt instead of paying fate points for True Faith powers)
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #282 on: March 24, 2011, 09:48:31 PM »
Going to take a crack at a few D&D classes now.

Barbarian (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Barbarian
Other Aspects: Very Angry, Illiterate
Superb: Weapons, Endurance
Great: Athletics, Alertness
Good: Might, Fists
Fair: Survival, Discipline
Average: Intimidation, Conviction
Rage (Weapons): May go berserk in combat, attacking until death. When berserk, attacks are at +1 and inflict +1 stress but defence is at -1.
Uncanny Dodge (Alertness): +2 when rolling against surprise.
Fast Movement (Athletics): +2 to sprint.
Uncontrollable Will (Discipline): +3 to Discipline for mental defence when Rage is active.
Human Form variant (powers only available when using Rage stunt) [+1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch (magic) [+1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 04:57:11 PM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline sandchigger

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #283 on: March 25, 2011, 01:27:53 AM »
Going to take a crack at a few D&D classes now.

Barbarian (Chest Deep)

High Concept:
Other Aspects:
Superb: Weapons, Endurance
Great: Athletics, Alertness
Good: Might, Fists
Fair: Survival, Discipline
Average: Intimidation, Conviction
Rage (Weapons): May go berserk in combat, attacking until death. When berserk, attacks are at +1 and inflict +1 stress but defence is at -1.
Uncanny Dodge (Alertness): +2 when rolling against surprise.
Fast Movement (Athletics): +2 to sprint.
Uncontrollable Will (Discipline): +3 to Discipline for mental defence when Rage is active.
Human Form variant (powers only available when using Rage stunt) [+1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch (unknown) [+0]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

The Catch for Barbarians should be magic.
I may well be silly, but I am never moronic.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Generic NPCs
« Reply #284 on: March 25, 2011, 01:46:18 AM »
Paladin (Chest Deep)

High Concept: Paladin
Other Aspects: Lawful Good, Code Of Conduct, Paladin's Mount, Knight In Shining Armour
Superb: Conviction
Great: Presence, Weapons
Good: Fists, Endurance
Fair: Discipline, Survival, Athletics
Average: Rapport, Alertness, Lore, Empathy, Might
Smite Evil (Weapons): Spend a fate point when attacking a target with a catch of holy to satisfy that catch, get +2 to hit, and inflict +2 stress. (This might be better as a power.)
Paladin's Mount (Survival): +1 to ride, +2 to ride horses, +3 to ride special mount.
Lay On Hands (Conviction): Use Conviction to for medical treatment.
Aura Of Courage (Discipline): +2 to resist fear for you, +1 to resist fear for everyone around you. (Might also be better as a power.)
Righteousness [-2]
Supernatural Sense (Detect Evil) [-1]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

EDIT: PS: Smite Evil and Lay On Hands can be replaced with powers. Smite Evil can be replaced with a variation on Holy Touch that works through weapons, while Faith Healing or Healing Light from the custom power thread could replace Lay On Hands.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 01:27:54 AM by Sanctaphrax »