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BB006 - The Curse of Knowledge

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The Butcher Block - Episode Six - "The Curse of Knowledge"

Download the podcast here

(39min 26sec) Fred talks about the Curse of Knowledge when it comes to the TV show, and brings on a friend who's seen the TV show but never read the books to help apply a "filter".  But first, some news about how you can see Jim in March and April, how you can see him on the set of the TV show, and how the TV show's been doing in the downloadable arena.  Plus, a small update on the progress of the RPG.

The Music:
* The PodSafe Music Network: http://music.podshow.com
* 2006 Pl@stic Soul: http://tinyurl.com/y6k69q
* .22: http://tinyurl.com/tel5v
Jim's Appearances in March & April:
* Stellarcon: http://www.stellarcon.org/home
* I-CON: http://www.iconsf.org/
* Signing Tour: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000174.php
White Night
* Buy it at Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/egcch
* Or do the Virtual Signing with Dog Eared Half-Price Books: http://www.dogearedhalf-pricebooks.com/virtualsigning.htm
Behind the Scenes
* Video Interview at SciFi.Com: http://www.scifi.com/dresden/video/index.php?cat=features&seas=1&vid=63736
Dresden Files Downloads
* Available on iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/
The Dresden Files RPG
* Website: http://www.dresdenfilesrpg.com/
* Fred's LJ Update: http://drivingblind.livejournal.com/243907.html
Chad's Quick Plugs
* Atomic Sock Monkey Press: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/
* Dead Inside: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/di.asp
* Truth & Justice: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/tj.asp
* The Zorcerer of Zo: http://www.atomicsockmonkey.com/products/zoz.asp
* Don't Rest Your Head: http://www.evilhat.com/?dryh


Off to DL it immediately, if not sooner!


Another great episode. I liked hearing white wolf comparison between the courts, but I had never though of that before from reading the books, as the courts are very different than the clans. I am really going to need to check out The Zorcerer of Zo, just to read even if I never end up playing it. It sounds like there are some great ideas in there.

iTunes doesn't have it up yet.  There always seems to be a lag there.  Oh well, guess I just have to wait a little longer.


--- Quote from: Donna on February 27, 2007, 07:13:24 PM ---iTunes doesn't have it up yet.  There always seems to be a lag there.  Oh well, guess I just have to wait a little longer.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it *just* went up.  Takes some time to trickle out.


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