for the OP, if you do it well and great, it would work. I guess you could distract people from the "cliche" factor. Although, I'd think that it would be interesting if the main char. knows his dad's the bad guy, and he still has this tug that he really really wants to get to bad dad and stuff, but main char knows that he *HAS* to stop the bad guy anyway. but that's just me.
maybe that's even more cliched, I wouldn't know, lol.
I don't know; this idea kind of appeals to me. It would take a bit of work to make it sound belivable and stuff, but other than that, I like it.
Does anyone else think this might be too cliche, though?
My friend just said she didn't get why it is that fictional characters are always so eager to find their parents, despite the fact that they are doing just fine without said parents. "Why go looking for trouble from a total stranger? Just live and let live" is her way of looking at it.
As you can probbaly guess, none of her characters have ever felt the slightest need to look for their parents.