Evocation blocks are rolled...but it's purely a control roll, anything in excess of the Power channeled is wasted.
My question was along the lines of this:
Do I roll the dice to modify the power of the block, like if I were defending with athletics?
In the example combat, when Jing-Wei is dodging gunfire fire with lore; she rolls the dice each time there is an attack and modifies her lore each time.
That seems to be the right way to do things, so my question was, do I do the same roll off for evocation defenses? Or do you not roll the dice for them?
As for the rest, looks like we disagree about rules complexity.
But more generally, are there any places in my house rules that are unclear? Do there seem to be any way to exploit them? Is there anything in them that seems to
contradict the fluff?
For example, can the Merlin still stop the Red court with a ward, while combat goes on?
Using your writeup, the Merlin has a base complexity for wards of 18, and a base control of 11 (and an base ritual power of 7). If we assume that a complexity 18 ward is enough, he can move on to the ritual right away. With 5 minutes of prep, he could in theory make 8 declarations, which should give him plenty more power if he wants it.
But what about getting the ritual done in a speedy manner? Assuming none of the senior council are helping him with the ritual, he can safely throw up a complexity 18 ward by himself in about 15 minutes. But the book says that the Gatekeeper was there to help. Assuming the Gatekeeper can safely call up around 5 power an exchange for wards, that would cut their safe time down to around 10 minutes (2 power draws). But what if they wanted to be unsafe, and call up power closer to their discipline? Then they can do the whole thing in around 5 minutes.
What if a complexity 18 ward isn't going to be enough? (And they were as desperate as PCs tend to be?) They could take 5 minutes of prep and get another 12+ complexity, especially with the Gatekeeper to contribute (they can each trivially generate 3 successful declarations). But how long will it take them to throw up? We'll say they each have 3 fate points to spend here, that means the Merlin could call up around 15 power and the gatekeeper maybe 10 in the first ritual pass. Then they can safely complete the ward in the next pass. If they are truly PC level desperate (and have plenty of fate points), they might be able to do the whole thing in one pass, after taking a plenty of consequences for drawing that much power in one pass.
So, if they are really desperate, the Merlin and the Gatekeeper can do a force 30 or so ward in around 10 minutes.
That's close enough to the time a large combat might be going on in the background for me.
What about the thing Harry does with the ghosts in
Grave Peril? The book lists it as complexity 5. Harry has a good lore at this point, so he can either accept a minor consequence or invoke an aspect to be able to move directly into the ritual, and he can do it in one pass. So he can have it done in 'around 5 minutes'. Since the vampires had fallen back from the battle for a moment, that's good enough for me.