The Dresden Files > DF TV Series

The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread-The Series, in General

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I never missed an episode of firefly when it aired, and I supported the hell out of it. It didn't make that much of a diff then. However the big difference between firefly and Dresden is Sci-Fi is doing everything they can to promote the show, where Fox did everything they could to kill Firefly.

I included Farscape more from the perspective of how and where I developed a certain amount of distrust for Sci-Fi channel in its handling of properties.  It would have been more appropriate perhaps to team it with The Invisible Man, which was also an interesting and fair series that didn't last very long with them.

Farscape did get four seasons, and it was too easy for me to forget that it was treated well for the first two seasons, and fairly for the third. 

Firefly is more of a cautionary tale from other networks, and points to what kind of support can we possibly provide to help a show out.  While it did not prevent Firefly from being cancelled and did not bring it back to the air (like Family Guy), it did lead to a feature length film. 

Regardless, the point of the questions is to find out how we can best support the sereis.

Mario Di Giacomo:
Only one real question:

Will Harry be doing more magic in later episodes?  As a poster on another thread put it, the first ep needed more "earth-shattering ka-boom" :)

Mickey Finn:
Any prelim numbers on the ratings for the first ep?
If so, how did they compare to what was desired by the powers that be?

Robert Wolfe:

--- Quote from: cbmurphy on January 19, 2007, 02:02:44 PM ---OK, then, a question (well, two) about the series before it hits the airwaves:

* How & when will it be determined whether the series is picked up to continue for second and consecutive seasons?
--- End quote ---

Unclear.  The network will get the numbers and crunch them in mystical ways then make a decision when the stars are right.  IE Whenever they damn well feel like it. 

--- Quote ---* How might we as viewers best support the show to help ensure that we might enjoy second and consecutive seasons?
--- End quote ---

Watch the show, tell your friends to watch, and send supportive feedback to SciFi.


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