McAnally's (The Community Pub) > Author Craft

Tools for Writers

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Oh very cool!


--- Quote from: Murphy's Stunt Double on December 30, 2009, 08:02:08 PM ---I like it!

I'm thinking of trying the suggestions in Jim's blog, but I wonder if there's other suggestions you all might have for me?

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Linkage to this?

Murphy's Stunt Double:

--- Quote from: RobJN on December 30, 2009, 09:55:58 PM ---Linkage to this?

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--- Quote from: Murphy's Stunt Double on December 30, 2009, 08:02:08 PM ---I like it!

I've actually decided to start writing the novel that has been stewing around in my head for almost 20 years, and I want to go about it in a business-like way. In the past, I've just started writing and "discovered" the story as it came out, but that's never really worked to get a finished product for me. I get lost in the story, editing, revising, etc.

I'm thinking of trying the suggestions in Jim's blog, but I wonder if there's other suggestions you all might have for me?

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I've yet to actually get anything finished, mostly because I'm always finding myself distracted by family/work/exercise/reading/etc, and find it difficult to isolate myself and ignore everything enough to focus.  I've tried some of the suggestions on the blog, up to getting my b/f's mom to help make my own version of the story arc(will post a pic tomorrow), and I've been trying to follow my b/f's idea of writing from beginning to end to just get the story out, instead of going back and rewriting then moving on.  I tend to do the discovery sort of thing, too.  Probably not very helpful in the way of suggestion, though, huh?

About the best thing I can suggest, which I need to do myself, is just write.  Find whatever program/paper/thing works best for you, block yourself off from everything if you can, and write.  And try not to let yourself get distracted too much.  I find that I start to get something like stir crazy when I go a long time without writing, and then have trouble getting back into it.

Murphy's Stunt Double:
One of my worst problems in the early days was that I'd get an idea, and as long as I could write straight through, I could follow it. As soon as I stopped and went to sleep, I couldn't get it back.


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