Other Jimness > Episode Archive

Episode Zero - History and the TV

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Fred talks about Jim, his history, the genesis of the Dresden Files RPG, the upcoming TV show on the Sci Fi channel, and the future of this podcast.  All in under six minutes!

* The PodSafe Music Network     
* 2006 Pl@stic Soul
* .22
* The Background 
* Birthright
* Babylon 5
* Storm Front
* Jim-Butcher.Com
* Fate RPG
* Evil Hat Productions
* Spirit of the Century
* Slice of Sci Fi Interview with Jim
* YouTube Video of Jim
* The TV Show   
* Official Dresden Files TV Site
* Battlestar Galactica  
* Upcoming Thoughts   
* Buzzy Multimedia's audio books:     
* Storm Front     
* Fool Moon     
* Grave Peril
* Codex Alera

I really enjoyed it.

My respect for Jim went up to know that he too played the much un-beloved Birthright game.

As an aspiring author, I now know what agent to also bug thanks to Author Query too.


Good job, Fred!  Nice start.  Can't wait to here more.  Be fun if you could get Jim to do an interview the day after the premier.  That is if Shannon could pry him off the ceiling.

Mickey Finn:
Or, do the interview with Shannon, translating.


Shannon: Jim says he like it.

Valiar Marcus:

--- Quote from: Willowhugger on December 17, 2006, 09:30:35 AM ---My respect for Jim went up to know that he too played the much un-beloved Birthright game.
--- End quote ---
Jim actually GM'd two different birthright campaigns, both of which rocked the house.  The first one, which Fred was referring to in the podcast, was based in, er, whatever the name of that land was that Birthright used.  The second was an Oriental setting conversion, which was great fun.  Those were probably my two favorite RPG campaigns ever.


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