It seems to me (and I think I read this somewhere, or heard it on 2d6 feet podcast) that no matter what characters exist in the Dresdenverse, the tools will be in the RPG rulebook to stat them. I think that's TOTALLY awesome, but hearing that characters are already statted will make it so much easier for me as a GM. All I have to do is tweak them, and I have tools at my disposal for a myriad of good guys and supporting cast NPCs. But what I want to know is...will He Who Walks Behind and any of the other Outsiders be statted? I mean, the dragon would be awesome, but I think I could stat that character with a player on my own if they wanted to play him. But so little is known about the Outsiders, and calling them breaks one of the Laws, so it makes for a fantastic point of contention with my players.